Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Quiroga - 362


At best, the good education that is offered to us within our families or in schools prepares us to be cordial, kind and honest in our dealings with people, but although these formalities are positive and contribute to the preservation of peace in the society, at the heart of good education lies the construction and consolidation of selfishness as a normal attitude (there are foolish scientists who claim that there is a gene for selfishness) so that, throughout our existence, we appropriate everything that we consider our worth, or furthermore, because of the envy we feel, we also want to appropriate what we do not deserve.

And so we go through life and within, navigating selfishness, we are the Egonauts, but despite the normalization of what, from the point of view of universal functioning, is an aberration, we also experience moments in which our root selfishness is put to the test, and that happens when we decide to build an intimate relationship with someone, because either this construction is done between selfish people who make a kind of geopolitical pact to live together territorially, or selfishness is discovered as a major obstacle to building the relationship, which promotes the impulse of growing beyond ourselves, entering the unknown terrain of love, which provokes all kinds of fear in us because it threatens the sanctity of our self-centeredness.

It is possible to conceptualize love in different ways, however, there will always be something in common in all forms of loving, and that something is, definitely, the impulse to transcend root selfishness, in addition to enduring with presence of mind the sway that this causes temporarily.

That's right, in the face of everything happening suddenly and at the same time, the soul is shocked and reacts by wanting to handle everything. However, this is not the best attitude, it is best to take small steps. Little and good deed.

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