Thursday, June 27, 2024

Quiroga - 364


Even if an Angel appears before you and tells you that in the center of your heart is everything you desire, all the power, charisma and beauty you dream of, you would still hardly dedicate your time to opening that door and discovering the spark of the Life of your life.

And this is so because your consciousness is seduced by the multiple diversity of the phenomenal world and systematically dedicates itself to appropriating it with the force of desires, without caring that the very act of dedicating itself to this experience is only possible because the Life of all lives burn in the center of the heart.

In other words, in practice we prefer to have fun with the effects rather than rejoice at the source.

Thus, ignoring the fact that the truth is other than what is normally considered to be true, and for the reason that, devoid of any truth that serves as support to navigate life within and outside, you will dedicate yourself with determination and consistency to believe only in the truths that are convenient for you, that is, only in those that confirm your previous conviction and nothing beyond.

 May everything be simple and light! Try to follow this guidance to deal with what is happening today, because if you start to let worries weigh on your conscience, the difficulties will increase.

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