Friday, June 14, 2024

Quiroga - 351


We feel more than we are capable of processing intellectually, this is an undeniable truth of our humanity, because we still assume that we are who we are as a result of what happens to us, the environment in which we exist and the countless impressions that, at every moment, mark our soul.

However, none of this solves the enigma of who we are, because in addition to being, in part, a product of the environment, it is undeniable that we are also producers of the environment, and that in addition to being impressionable, we also impress.

It would mean that we go beyond our potential if we settle into the experience of feeling, as if sensitivity could solve the enigma of life for us, because if we do not involve our intellect in this exercise we will never understand the part that touches us in the complex experience of life.

Understanding what we feel and taking initiatives are functions of the intellect, which is not limited to analytical logic, which is just one of its instruments, and not the most important.

Intellect is also a way of feeling, just as sensitivity is also a way of thinking, but, like everything in the Universe, there are hierarchies that are defined by the breadth of their capabilities and, definitely, the intellect has much more breadth than the sensitivity, but it also has its pitfalls, such as the vanity that affects people who use their intellect a lot and lose contact with their sensitivity.

It doesn't seem like it, but existence is integrated into a game of cosmic proportions, and when the individual soul dedicates itself to actively participating in the game, it stops being a piece in the game and becomes a player. And so.

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