Monday, September 11, 2023

Quiroga - 76


In the mysterious process of self-knowledge, possible only for us humans, who in addition to being conscious are also self-aware, it is common to turn to the past in search of the origins, because we imagine that if we unveil the original causes, then we will also decipher the script.

That's right, but this is only a half truth, and the half truth does not solve our search for self-knowledge, it only restricts it to knowing ourselves as a result of our pasts.

However, our personal history is a tiny fraction of what we are trying to know and, in truth, it is not the most important fraction, it is just ours in particular.

If we want to know ourselves, it is wise to start by trying to understand what is greater than us and our stories, because our personal presence is not the whole of the Universe, and everything that is most important we need to know about ourselves is linked to the functioning of the Universe in which we move and experience being, and although the statement is obvious, the obviousness is not motivating enough for us to undertake our process of self-knowledge as it should be.

Without realizing it, when we emphasize our personal history in the search for self-knowledge, we reduce the functioning of the Universe to our personality, a colossal error of proportion.

We will never know ourselves by trying to know ourselves as entities disconnected from the larger set of experiences to which we belong, this selfish and self-centered illusion that affects us is typical of the current scope of knowledge of our humanity, and has its own inert functioning.

If we really want to know ourselves, then we will have to work hard to overcome the pull of self-centeredness, which ignores everything other than oneself.

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