Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Quiroga - 92


Our humanity thinks, from the height of the selfish tradition to which it clings, that it has to make its way through life outside and within, relying exclusively on its individuality, through the strength of entrepreneurship, and the initiative that makes us leaders that inspire multitudes to follow us and replicate the tradition that the beginning of everything would be individual.

The strength of individuality is indisputable, its value is undeniable, but the principle of everything is not individual, it is group, because everything that we are eventually capable of doing individually is only possible thanks to the network of interdependence in which we move.

In practice, this means that everything we do and don't do does not serve us exclusively, as individuals, but a group of people.

It is about this reality that, with the help of time, the use of experiences and good will put into action, the individual that we are understands that we are who we are, and that we are more ourselves, to the same extent that we integrate into the social life, and because we exist and serve it in every thought, emotion and action.

Thus, the benefits that we previously sought selfishly, and were frustrated with the results, we truly find by stimulating interdependence, collaborating among ourselves so that the largest possible group of human beings benefits from our presence.

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