Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Hair

 "Nothing happens by chance, everything has a purpose"

God, when designing the human body, decided to put hair (and beards, in the case of men) on the heads of these beings for some very relevant reason, which most of us are unaware of. We don't pay much attention to this, and the current fashion among humans on Earth is, in the case of men, to shave their beards and cut their hair, leaving it very short. However, humanity's greatest messenger, called Jesus Christ, always had long hair and a beard, didn't he? Would there be a special reason for this? Definitely yes! All the hair on our body works like electromagnetic antennas, capturing (and emitting) energy from (to) the environment. People who have studied the operation of filamentary electromagnetic antennas know that these structures lose efficiency when their lengths are reduced: in cars that used telescopic filamentary electromagnetic antennas (with adjustable length), when the length of this antenna was reduced, the quality of the signal of the antenna was proportionally reduced of the tuned radio station (due to less capture of the energy present in the environment and emitted by the tuned station). Therefore, when we cut or pluck our hair, we reduce our tune with God (with the energy present in the environment that surrounds us)! We've all heard about the famous female intuition, but male intuition is much less famous. Why? Because, in general, women have longer hair than men and, therefore, capture signals in the environment more efficiently. As these signals from the environment also have energy, women capture more energy from the environment than men and, as a consequence, live, on average, much longer than men in all countries on planet Earth, because everything (including our bodies) is supported by energy. In practically every country in the world, armed forces recruits have their hair and beards (and mustaches) cut. Why? Because people with long hair tend to think before acting and people with short hair tend to act before thinking. And that's what the armed forces want: automatons, who always say "Yes, sir", who carry out the orders received without questioning them. Bearded political and religious leaders (like Fidel Castro, Bin Laden, Taliban, Orthodox Jews, Indian Sikhs and Sadhus, etc.) are not well regarded in the slave society in which we live, as they are not following the usual rule imposed on slaves in society ( all of us). In the Bible, in addition to Jesus Christ, several other people interested in spiritual elevation also grew hair and beards, such as Samson and John the Baptist. Regarding Samson, the telepath, the Bible gives another interesting piece of information: when Delilah cut his long hair (all wrapped in braids) he lost his strength and was easily subdued and became blind (like us...).

People interested in a closer relationship with God tend to let their hair grow, such as Orthodox Jews, Russian Orthodox Christian clergy, Sikhs (Indians who wear turbans to hide long hair and beards), sadhus (holy men from India), many master gurus (like Osho, etc.), famous scientists (Einstein, Darwin, etc.), etc. Genetic diseases, those with which we are born, are due to our karmic baggage accumulated due to mistakes we made in past incarnations. However, physical problems we develop after birth are due to our harmful habits that we are practicing in the current incarnation. In other words, we reap everything we sow, in this and past lives. Observing society we see that women practically never go bald, while in men the incidence of baldness is quite common. Certainly, God, when constructing the human species as male and female, did not favor the woman with the greatest strength in her hair (all other animal species do not have this imbalance between male and female). Soon after birth, boys and girls are all hairy. Over time, boys can become bald adults, due to some harmful male habit that females do not practice! What is this habit? Ejaculation! Males often go bald in their youth, after they begin to ejaculate. When ejaculating, males lose a considerable amount of vital energy (enough energy to generate a large number of lives, billions of sperm in a single male ejaculation!). In a normal sexual relationship, the man loses this vital energy and the woman receives this energy lost by the man! This habitual energy imbalance leads to male baldness over time. What evidence do we have to support this claim? I've never seen a bald roadside walker, they're all hairy: these walkers have few sexual relations. Most passive homosexual men (who receive a penis, but do not use their own penis during sexual intercourses) go to the grave with a head full of hair: this is the case, for example, of the late fashion designer/deputy Clodovil Hernandez. Fat people generally don't like sex (fat is, unconsciously, a kind of protective armor against the opposite sex): fat men are generally hairy; if, in addition, they are passive homosexuals, even more hairy (the case of our former finance minister/deputy Delfin Neto).

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