Sunday, September 17, 2023

Quiroga - 82


May your consciousness grow and expand beyond you, in search of that ineffable connection with the infinite, with the Divine, with whatever you can imagine as something that is greater than your self-centered presence, since, it is in the greater that you will find your meaning, your project, your relative function in this colossal organism that is the Universe.

To know yourself, you first need to know what is greater than your presence, because if you use the opposite method, knowing yourself before knowing what is greater than you, you will inevitably go round and round, thinking that you have advanced a lot, without realize that you haven't left your place, because your neck is tied to a stake in the ground, and that stake is made up of mistaken and self-centered convictions.

Venture yourself to first know what you have in common with your peers, and only then distinguish the differences, because it is in what is common between all of us that you also find what is greater than each and every existing person.

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