Saturday, September 16, 2023

Quiroga - 81


Exaggerate your joy while you practice restraint with the bitterness of your heart. It is better to exceed yourself in your enthusiasm and naive ardor than to give in to the painful severity that your disappointments and resentments cause.

Unfortunately, the conviction ingrained in our humanity that we are born here on Earth to suffer creates an inertia that makes it easier to surrender to severity and seek punishment than to dedicate ourselves to living with lightness and joy, enjoying life for the mere reason of breathing. .

Summarily reject the foolish conviction that we were born here on Earth to suffer, whoever invented this has a perpetual place reserved in the fifth of hells, and will remain there exuberantly experiencing the mistake perpetrated, until accepting and allowing themselves to be overcome by the perception that the cosmic body dimension of the Divine is pure ecstasy, and it is not reached through pain, but through joy.

It is better to indulge in a joy that seems inconvenient to the severe eyes of your fellow human beings and those who are different, than to imitate yourself in a network of mistaken beliefs that sustain sadness and the inexplicable hope that everything must, in the end, go wrong, for the mere fact that this is the ancestral tradition.

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