Saturday, December 09, 2023

Quiroga - 164


Indulge your senses with whatever makes you lift your heart in the direction of beauty, of what is sublime, of the most intense and true feelings that one day, you certainly experienced in a fleeting instant (fleeting like the perception of eternity), and which once you have a record of this rapture, your entire life is now summed up in dedicating yourself to seeking this experience in people's looks and gestures, in the light of the Sun at dusk, in the luminosity of the Full Moon, in the murmur of silence.

Indulge your physical senses with what this planet on which we exist offers you, so that you can rise towards the sublime, but also indulge your inner sense, opening your third eye to intentionally connect with the world of celestial beings, who await your beckon, happy to guide you, providing you with instruments to do so.

You exist with your consciousness focused simultaneously on outer and inner life, never forget that.

Take advantage of any and all opportunities to strengthen bonds of cordiality with everyone who crosses your path, regardless of social class or any type of distinction based on particular interests.

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