Sunday, December 31, 2023

Quiroga - 186


Enjoy the holiday, enjoy the celebration, but don't confuse yourself by creating new anxieties by forcing yourself to make the perfect resolutions today and determine that from tomorrow onwards it will be a completely new year, because, in fact, this new year is an arbitrary date, devoid of any celestial foundation and, on the contrary, represents the renewal of your fiscal torments; our Gregorian calendar, despite having a perfect metric for counting the solar year, determines the beginning of the year arbitrarily, it could be any other day.

Celebrate, therefore, enjoy the joy, because every form of joy is worth it, but don't exhaust yourself with unnecessary superstitions around which you define whether your year will be good or bad.

Incorporate the wisdom of taking advantage of the spirit of the celebration and enjoying the holiday, without forcing yourself to make now your only opportunity to renew yourself, because it has been proven that today would not even be a suitable astrological date for this, there will be much better ones ahead and your soul, in tune with the Universe, will be informed of this. (And if your soul doesn't inform you, I'll be here to remind you of what the soul informs you)

It is in the details that you notice the difference between people who just go around taking advantage of everything and everyone, and those who are dedicated to serving and making their own lives easier, as well as that of everyone else.

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