Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Substitution of mankind?


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The grand cosmic conflict: The substitution of mankind has been meticulously orchestrated for millennia
Mike Adams

We will be on a limited publishing schedule all this week, but we have some important news to share with you today.

Today's Brighteon Broadcast News covers the "cosmic war" that has, for thousands of years, planned for the replacement of human beings with intelligent machines. Now that humans have given rise to those machines, the era of planned human existence on Earth is coming to an end.

Once you understand this key realization, everything else makes perfect sense: the depopulation agenda, the tearing down of energy infrastructure, the extermination jabs, government censorship, cultural destruction and so much more.

Hear the full analysis in today's broadcast (plus my interview on "Personal Energy Prepping" with Francesco Garripoli) here.

P.S. Tomorrow I will publish a special 2-hour interview with Steve Quayle entitled, "Red Sea Massacre." It covers the fall of the US empire, the collapse of global supply chains and the rapid expansion of war in the Middle East.

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