Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Quiroga - 182


For a long time I dedicated myself to reading printed letters, digital ones didn't exist yet, and I thought that reality was the way I perceived it, and that the letters had the shape and contour they had simply because I perceived them. like this. “I perceive, therefore, things are as I perceive them.”

One day I went to the optician and I was diagnosed with astigmatism and I started wearing lenses, and I discovered that the letters were not the way I perceived them, that they had another shape and contour that I only discovered when I wore glasses, and since my perception was redefined, mainly by understanding that there was a reality independent of my gaze, I could no longer return to the comfort of imagining that reality would be just what I thought of it, as if nothing had happened.

Well, that's what's happening to our humanity, in gerund terms, in relation to many concepts that we took for granted and that served us and still serve to define reality.

The use of technology, however questionable it may be, has opened the eyes of our humanity to a reality that exists independently of any way we imagined it, and this is definitively redefining our relationship with Life, and there is no going back, as if nothing had happened.

Personally or collectively, the only alternatives are: either we resist the expansion of consciousness and produce misery as a result, or we open ourselves to the future and redefine science, religion and the morality that governs relationships, and become rich with it, inventing a more intelligent civilization.

Mistakes can and should be made, however, as far as possible, it is necessary to avoid repeating mistakes. You can invent new problems and make mistakes in a different way, but insisting on old mistakes would be foolish.

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