Monday, December 18, 2023

Quiroga - 173


Even though our humanity currently struggles to free itself from binarity in the name of expanding its perception to other worlds different from those known and accepted as normal, even so in all worlds there will continue to be the need to establish the measures of what is right and what is wrong, or acceptable and unacceptable.

The only way out of this necessary binary, because it structures the common space and the more or less peaceful coexistence between people, would be transcendence, but this is a condition restricted to very few people, who are not privileged for this reason, because much more responsibility falls on them in relation to us, ignorant people in need of rules.

If what is right and wrong are measures left to the free will of individuals and their particular whims, then we can say goodbye to any perspective of understanding, and because this condition would make disagreement flourish, there would also be no construction of a space for communion, a public space for human coexistence.

If what is right and wrong are measures left to the taste of morals extracted from sacred books, as these differ from each other, we have as a result the current scenario of constant struggles to establish the superiority of some and the consequent inferiority of others.

Either we reach a collective, human and universal consensus on the measures of right and wrong, or it is clear that we will never be able to build public spaces where we feel safe and comfortable.

Good things happen in the midst of tense and uncertain scenarios, and when they happen the best thing to do is to make the most of the events and comings and goings, relieving anguish and moving the ball forward. More life!

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