Saturday, January 06, 2024

Quiroga - 192


If the effect of drugs were not good, no one would become addicted to drugs, and in the same way, if there was no joy associated with sexual practice, our humanity would probably stop reproducing, and there would be nothing like sex addiction.

The problem is not the initial effects, the problem is the secondary and collateral effects, which trap our humanity in its vulnerabilities, making it lose control over its own consciousness and making it dependent on external stimuli to continue imagining that life would be worth it. .

And all vulnerabilities are summarized in one, the tendency to abandon ourselves to inertia instead of taking the lead in our destinies.

This is not something that can be prevented through prohibitions, on the contrary, it is known that prohibitions are true decoys for our humanity to transgress them.

The tendency to abandon ourselves to inertia is prevented through an entire educational and sociological system that exalts the qualities of consciousness over the inertia of unconsciousness.

Addictions highlight the lack of protagonism in our humanity, how much we abandon ourselves to inertia instead of taking the reins of destiny into our own hands.

We prefer comfortable unconscious lies to having to take responsibility for being the protagonists of our own destinies, and in the existential place where we allow this to be so, that's where we are addicted, toys at the mercy of inertia.

You can lose everything and recover, as long as you preserve joy, because without it the soul becomes impoverished immediately, regardless of whether it is surrounded by resources. Joy is the alchemical key that opens all doors.

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