Thursday, January 11, 2024

Quiroga - 197


Two anxieties haunt our humanity.

One of them is what comes to consciousness in moments when we have no control over what happens to us and, lost like shipwrecked people, we end up in the subjective void, looking back and realizing that we have lost something very valuable and to which we held on, the comfort that we had everything under our control, or at least because we imagined with complete confidence that this was so.

The other anguish is that which comes to the consciousness when we contemplate that, motivated by our ambition, we have achieved great material advances and social prestige and, therefore, we would now have a lot to lose. In this anguish we have everything under our control, but because we rise through progress, we also suffer the vertigo of the precipice where we would eventually fall, if we lost everything.

There is no humanity devoid of anguish.

There are forgetfulnesses that are convenient, because the soul does not want to relive traumatic experiences, however, this resource cannot be used indiscriminately, because in one way or another, the past is present.

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