Monday, January 01, 2024

Quiroga - 187


May the beatitudes crown your resolutions, if these, when carried out, also benefit the community to which you belong, because if your resolutions are merely selfish, even if inadvertently, when carried out they will produce misery in the community, then in this case they are not blessed.

May the beatitudes be enjoyed by all people between heaven and earth (and may selfishness decline), under whatever conditions they find themselves, whether gathered in resorts and beaches, imagining themselves privileged, starving and fleeing of explosions in some parts of the world, terrified at home when living with dangerous and domineering relatives, breathing free and healthy in places where nature reigns, indifferent to the noise of New Year's Eve because they have more immediate, simple and important things to attend to, in short, there is in our humanity the complete menu of possibilities happening at the same time.

From the most miserable selfishness to the broadest solidarity, in this very moment when I write and you read, the entire wide range from one extreme to the other is expressed simultaneously. This is our humanity as a whole.

May the beatitudes be with all people, and may they be instructive so that we learn once and for all that happiness, like fear, are not individual experiences.

Both happiness and fear are collective experiences that we, human beings, out of ignorance of how the Universe (Dharma) works, are forced to manage alone, and as a result, our personal happiness is temporary and our intimate fears are abysmal. 

It would be impossible to clean up all the mess that is left out there, but it is within your reach to ensure a comfortable territory, in which to rest and think about life with tranquility and joy. Follow this path.

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