Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Quiroga - 202


Entertainment is necessary, for the mere fact that as we still don't know how to think straight and our mind works like a herd of foul-mouthed horses, we need to spend our precious time on nonsense that distracts us, because the mind, anyway, will get distracted, because we don't know how to think straight.

If there was nothing more to live for than this, I wouldn't exist nor would you be here reading these lines, but it turns out that this inertia of the mind thinking alone doesn't comfort us, on the contrary, it worries and distresses us, and even if we don't know how to transcend the imbroglio, at least we move to get rid of the “shadows”.

To transcend, with the same strength and commitment that we dedicate to entertaining ourselves, we need to learn to think well, because without thinking well, our relationships replicate the farce of our relationship with the mind, falling apart and becoming a farce, a pretense that fits in a photograph well framed, but which is not supported by conceptual reality.

And therein lies the danger, because as it is quite difficult for us to accept that a large part of our lives are pretense, we seek in the world of well-framed nonsense to equip ourselves with ill-founded opinions, but which serve to justify that, perhaps, the mistake is right, and therefore it is possible to transform it into the certainty that: “This is Life!”

And so we all continue to be entertained as the drama of cosmic proportions unfolds.

Whether life is a joke or something that should be taken seriously, this decision is left to the intimate forum of each human being, because only we, within ourselves, know the pains and joys of each day. Only us!

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